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Bloom where you're planted!

Bloom Parent/Educator seminar Robertson State School Music Room

QAGTC South with Sue Prior presents:

One deceptively simple, time efficient and effective method of addressing the social-emotional and learning needs simultaneously for students who are gifted is through the use of levelled questioning such as Bloom’s.

Parents can also use this approach to stretch their gifted children’s thinking and focus on the disposition of curiosity and the process of finding out. Similarly, the Australian curriculum explains that in its 3-dimensional approach to learning, the general capability of critical and creative thinking includes the elements of inquiring, generating ideas, reflecting, and analysing, based on the work of Bloom and others.

So, by combining Bloom's and critical and creative thinking we are addressing the affective and cognitive domains of diverse children who are gifted. Teachers are expected to teach diverse children with their varying abilities all at the same time, which is often described as inclusive education, so how can we support learners who are gifted to bloom where they are planted?

In this session an overview of Bloom’s will be presented with links to the critical and creative thinking focus of ACARA 9.0 with some practical strategies to implement and handouts to take home. 

May 16

Staff Professional Development on Gifted Education